Debunking 4 Popular Myths about Sleep Apnea

August 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — starsleepirving @ 6:36 pm
a person struggling to remain asleep at night

Obstructive sleep apnea, also called OSA, is one of the most widespread types of sleep apnea, affecting an estimated 22 million Americans—and what’s worse is that several million more cases remain completely undiagnosed! The condition is characterized by blockage that occurs in a patient’s airway during sleep, which causes them to wake up and normalize their breathing at the cost of deep sleep. Part of why this condition is so prevalent is due to various misconceptions and misunderstandings about how it influences a person’s sleep. Here are a few myths about sleep apnea that have made their way around that you certainly don’t want to be fooled into believing.

Myth #1. Snoring Is the Same as Sleep Apnea

It’s true that snoring is perhaps the most obvious symptom of sleep apnea, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only warning sign, nor is it the only thing indicative of the condition’s presence. Snoring is caused by vibrations of the soft tissues of the throat and airway, and if it’s happening, that means air is having some difficulty moving in and out of the lungs. It’s possible to snore on a regular basis and not have sleep apnea, though it’s generally a good idea to seek a sleep test if you’re also frequently waking up, gasping, or choking during the night in addition to chronically snoring.

Myth #2. Sleep Apnea Only Affects Older Patients

Anyone can suffer from sleep apnea, no matter their age, sex, or circumstances. The condition is not limited to older patients, men, or those with above-average BMIs, even though these groups tend to be more susceptible to it. There are numerous factors to consider when dealing with sleep apnea, which is why undergoing a sleep study and following it up with appropriate treatment is so crucial for getting it under control; people often must manage it differently!

Myth #3. Alcohol Is an Effective Solution

A lot of people enjoy a nightcap or quick alcoholic beverage before going to bed—and several swear by this habit, claiming that it’s their secret to a great night’s sleep. However, when consumed, alcohol acts as a depressant and can make you drowsy, which can also inhibit your ability to achieve REM sleep, the most important and restorative stage of rest. Alcohol also tends to relax the muscles, which can cause the soft tissues of the airway to collapse and cause sleep apnea episodes.

Myth #4. Sleep Apnea Will Resolve Itself

Sleep is one of the body’s most important functions, as it allows you to repair your cells, rest your mind, and recuperate before the next day. That said, not getting enough of it is a pretty big deal and can create compounding, exhausting side effects that also threaten one’s overall health. Daytime fatigue, depression, hypertension, memory loss, cardiovascular issues, and even diabetes can all result from not getting enough rest—and if sleep apnea is the cause of your sleep disruption, you shouldn’t count on it resolving itself.

About the Practice

The talented team at Star Sleep & Wellness in Irving has assisted patients all across the DFW metroplex with achieving consistent, high-quality rest, offering a wide range of effective solutions that are proven to get the job done. If you have any questions about the article or you’d like to schedule a visit for you or someone you know, feel free to contact the practice online or by telephone for additional information: (844) 409-4657.

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