How Sleep Apnea Can Hurt Relationships

December 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — starsleepirving @ 7:12 pm
Man snoring in bed, woman covering ears with pillow

It goes without saying that sleep apnea can take a serious toll on your overall health as well as your quality of life. However, it is worth noting that the disorder doesn’t just affect you; it may also be causing issues for your partner. Consequently, if the problem isn’t treated quickly, your relationship might suffer. Here’s what you need to know about sleep apnea and how it can affect your love life.

What is Sleep Apnea?

First, it’s worth reiterating what sleep apnea is and why it’s such a dire threat to your health. Simply put, when you have sleep apnea, your breathing is repeatedly interrupted while you slumber. Each interruption causes your body to wake up briefly so that breathing can resume. This disrupts your sleep cycle, depriving you of the rest your body needs. Not only does untreated sleep apnea leave you feeling exhausted during the day, but it can also lead to a number of health issues such as raised blood pressure.

Why is Sleep Apnea Bad for Your Relationship?

Sleep apnea is often the result of your airway being blocked by relaxed tissues in your throat. When air passes by these tissues, it can cause them to vibrate – and that results in loud snoring. Due to the noise, your partner may find that they have a hard time getting any sleep when they’re in the same room as you. As a result, you both may end up feeling more tired than normal, which can all too easily lead to conflict.

Additionally, sleep apnea can potentially lead to a loss of libido, and in men, it can even cause erectile dysfunction. Consequently, your relationship may start to lose the element of physical intimacy, and that can cause problems in the long run.  

How Can You Stop Sleep Apnea from Hurting Your Relationship?

If you suspect that you have sleep apnea, the best thing you can do is act quickly to have it diagnosed by an expert. Once you know for sure that you’re suffering from sleep-disordered breathing, you can have it treated before it does any irreparable harm to your relationship or your health.

Sleep apnea is traditionally treated with a CPAP machine, but if you find this option too uncomfortable or noisy, you may want to look into getting an oral appliance instead. Simply wearing an oral appliance at night can help keep your airways clear while you sleep; this can put a stop to your snoring and reduce your other sleep apnea symptoms.

Don’t let sleep apnea have more of an impact on your life than it already has; reach out to a sleep dentist or sleep physician today to start exploring your treatment options so that you and your partner can enjoy more peaceful nights again.

About the Practice

At Star Sleep & Wellness in Irving, we have multiple experts under one roof who are dedicated to helping patients who are suffering from sleep apnea. You can rest assured that we’ll put together an effective treatment plan that has been customized according to your specific needs. To schedule a consultation with our team, visit our website or call (844) 409-4657.

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