Tips for Adjusting to Your Oral Appliance

June 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — starsleepirving @ 9:09 pm
man putting on sleep apnea oral appliance

Sleep apnea is a common yet often untreated disorder. Many patients avoid seeking treatment due to misconceptions about its severity or reluctance to use a clunky, noisy machine at night. Fortunately, there’s a modern and effective alternative: oral appliance therapy. Adapting to a new oral appliance can take time, especially for first-time users. Here’s what you can expect and some tips to help you adjust smoothly to your new device.

Common Issues with New Oral Appliances

Initially, your body may react to your sleep apnea oral appliance as a foreign object, leading to some common issues such as:

  • Discomfort – You might feel tightness from the hard plastic material. This tight fit is beneficial as it prevents the appliance from falling out.
  • Drooling – Increased saliva production is common since your mouth may mistake the appliance for food.
  • Gagging – Those with a strong gag reflex might find it challenging to keep the appliance in place.
  • Nighttime Removals – Unconsciously removing the appliance at night is not unusual, and some people might even toss it across the room!

Getting Through the Adjustment Period

To overcome these initial challenges, wear your oral appliance every night. Your brain will gradually adjust, reducing discomfort and normalizing saliva production. Typically, the adjustment period lasts about two to three weeks. To expedite this process, try wearing the appliance for short periods during the day. With time, you’ll find that wearing it all night becomes second nature.

What to Do If You Can’t Adjust

If, after a few weeks, you still find it difficult to adjust, contact your sleep dentist. They will evaluate the situation to identify any underlying issues. Adjustments to the appliance or a replacement might be necessary based on their assessment.

Remember, patience is key during this period. Soon enough, you’ll be sleeping soundly with your oral appliance, significantly improving your sleep apnea symptoms.

About the Practice

Star Sleep & Wellness is dedicated to serving the Irving community for several years, providing a variety of sleep apnea treatment options to patients. If you have any questions about your oral appliance or want to schedule a consultation for yourself or a loved one, please contact us via our website or call (469) 331-9629.

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