For Physicians & Dentists – Irving, TX

Help Your Patients Find Relief

Our team at Star Sleep & Wellness in Irving is used to collaborating with physicians and dentists in the greater DFW area to help patients who are experiencing symptoms of sleep disorders. Through the comfort of one practice, we’re able to diagnose, treat, and follow-up with patients, remaining fully engaged with both them and their referring provider.  We’re able to help patients experiencing signs of obstructive sleep apnea, snoring, nocturia, insomnia, and several other conditions find relief and reclaim their life.

Referring a Patient

If you have a patient who you believe would benefit from visiting a sleep specialist in Irving, please complete the following form to get them the targeted care they require.

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Our practice is proudly in-network with Medicare, TriCare, and most major health insurance companies to make accessing sleep disorder treatment as accessible and affordable as possible. Our financial team does everything possible to maximize our patients’ benefits and minimize any out-of-pocket costs.

Frequently Asked Questions from Physicians & Dentists

Our reliable and community-trusted team is an excellent option for both you and your patients. We partner closely with local doctors, dentists, and medical practices in Irving and DFW to offer life-changing results and the specialized treatment required for patients to reclaim their lives. Below, we’ve listed some of the most common questions we receive from referring providers. If you don’t see the answers you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to call our office directly.

Why are oral appliances preferred?

Oral appliance therapy (OAT) is a proven and highly effective treatment method for patients experiencing CPAP intolerance, snoring, and symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. They’re typically the preferred treatment method because they’re less cumbersome and uncomfortable to fall asleep with than a CPAP device. In addition, our team offers a wide range of appliance designs so patients can choose one that’s most comfortable for them and addresses their specific needs.

What is a mandibular advancement appliance (MAD)?

Mandibular advancement devices help patients by gently shifting their jaw into its ideal position to open their airway as they sleep. Typically, they have hinges or bands on them that create a minimally invasive feel and are more comfortable to sleep with.

Will the type of MAD appliance make a difference?

For a MAD to effectively minimize sleep disorder symptoms, it’s necessary for it to be specifically fitted for the individual patient’s unique anatomical structure. Our team offers a range of different types of appliances to choose from as well, so we can further personalize their treatment to ensure optimal results.

Who is a candidate for oral appliance therapy (OAT)?

We typically recommend OAT for patients who:

  • Have a lower AHI (apnea-hypopnia index, or the average number of apneas experienced each hour)
  • Are younger in age
  • Have a lower BMI
  • Are CPAP-intolerant
  • Have a lower jaw that’s set further back than their upper jaw (retrognathia)

How much can my patients expect to pay for sleep disorder treatment?

The cost of sleep disorder treatment will vary based on multiple factors, like whether they opt for OAT or CPAP therapy, if they need diagnostic testing like a sleep study, and more. We work with our patients to ensure they pay as little out-of-pocket as possible and submit claims to maximize their health insurance benefits. We also work with Medicare and TriCare and are proudly in-network with most PPO plans.  

What does the Star Sleep & Wellness in Irving protocol and process include?

We begin each patient experience with an evaluation with one of our sleep doctors in Irving. After learning more about their medical history and the symptoms they’re experiencing, we’ll be able to appropriately recommend a sleep study. This will provide us with all of the data we need to formally diagnose whether they have a sleep disorder.

Based on our analysis of their sleep study, we can help patients determine whether they’ll benefit most from OAT or CPAP therapy if they have obstructive sleep apnea. After custom-crafting their medical device, we’ll schedule a follow-up visit to make sure it’s working for them and helping relieve their symptoms.

What kind of communication will there be between Star Sleep & Wellness in Irving and me regarding my patient?

Our team understands the importance of collaborating with referring physicians and dentists, which is why we’re diligent about regularly corresponding with you throughout your patient’s journey with us. We’re also happy to accommodate your communication preferences, so please feel free to let us know if you would like specific updates.

Can my patients expect to undergo additional screenings or treatment when seeing you for an oral appliance?

For each of our patients, in order to receive comprehensive care from our team, we’ll likely suggest a consultation with one of our qualified sleep providers to start. Based on this visit, we may recommend further diagnostic testing, like a sleep study, to make a formal diagnosis and treat their symptoms. If you have any specific concerns, please let us know!

Are boil-and-bite appliances no longer worthy investments?

In the past, boil-and-bite appliances were used to treat certain disorders, but it’s widely understood that these are no longer adequate quality solutions for patients experiencing sleep-breathing disorder symptoms. We offer customized appliances that are FDA-approved and use the latest technology to safely and effectively address patients’ concerns. We also use our digital impression system to ensure a perfectly fitted orthotic device that’s highly effective at restoring your patient’s quality of life and health.

Are there any contraindications for oral appliances?

Before referring OAT to a patient, we make note of how many teeth are in their lower arch because it will determine whether a device will remain supported in their mouth as they sleep. If they don’t have enough teeth to hold the appliance in place, we may recommend that they seek tooth replacement treatment before OAT. Some other considerations we factor into whether a patient is a good candidate for an oral appliance include:

  • Whether they suffer from serious TMJ disorder
  • If they have a strong gag reflex
  • If they require TMJ therapy to help the mouth open wide enough to ensure effective use of their oral appliance

Will a patient experience a change in their bite while wearing an oral appliance?

It is possible that a patient can experience bite change after wearing an oral appliance regularly, but we offer devices that are unlikely to cause this. We’ll also capture images of their jaw and oral structure to understand the original baseline we’re working with and to reference it throughout their treatment. If necessary, we’ll provide them with exercises and guidance to keep their bite in its original position.

What should a patient do if they grind their teeth?

All of our oral appliances have a three-year warranty and medical insurance companies allow for their replacement every three years, so if a patient grinds their teeth and wears-down their appliance, we’ll be able to replace it.